shutterstock_624180923_6r2dUjh.jpeg (shutterstock_624180923.webp)If you’re concerned about the health of your vascular system, making some lifestyle changes is a great first step toward finding the peace of mind you seek. During the holidays, one of the most difficult lifestyle changes you may face is right on your dinner table: maintaining a heart and vein-healthy diet.

At Sinai Laser Vein Center, we want our patients to be educated and knowledgeable about the best ways to prevent vascular disease and ensure healthy veins. Here are four vein-healthy diet tips you can take into the holidays and into the new year:

Eat Healthy Oils and Fats

When you think of fatty and oily foods, you may immediately think “unhealthy.” The truth is, certain oils and fats aren’t just good for you -- they’re essential for maintaining the health of your vascular system. Omega 3 fatty acids -- which can be found in oily fish like salmon and tuna -- are known to reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol, reduce your risk of blood clots, and lower your blood pressure. Olive oil is also a great source of monosaturated fatty acids which can help clear your arteries. This makes olive oil a great, healthy substitute for other types of fat in your cooking, particularly butter.

Choose Vein-Healthy Veggies & Fruits

Fruits and leafy greens are always a great addition to a healthy diet, whatever your specific goals may be. But if you’re looking to zero in on vascular health, you can’t go wrong with spinach. Spinach contains a plant-produced, naturally-occurring chemical called lutein which serves as an anti-inflammatory. Spinach is also rich in vitamins for vein health (Vitamin C and Vitamin E) and minerals (Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium) that are excellent for reducing oxidative stress(opens in a new tab) and regulating your blood pressure. If you’re looking for sweet options, try blueberries, which are also free of saturated fats and helpful for reducing oxidative stress.

Introduce Some Oats

If you’re not already eating oats in any form as part of your regular diet, now is the time to start for the sake of your veins! Oats are high in fiber, which can help stabilize your blood sugar, reduce your cholesterol levels, and leave you feeling full so you don’t continue to indulge and maintain a healthy weight. If you’re looking to maximize the health benefits you’re receiving from oats, be sure to consume steel-cut oats or oat bran, both of which are especially high in fiber.

Cut Back On the Salt

A pinch of salt can take your meal from bland to flavorful, but in excess, salt can be the enemy of healthy veins. High levels of sodium are linked to high blood pressure, or hypertension; when left untreated, hypertension can damage your blood vessels and put you at risk for a wide variety of vascular diseases. While sodium is an essential mineral that you can’t afford to cut out from your diet entirely, try to opt for low-sodium options over salted options whenever you possibly can.

Making dietary changes with your vascular health in mind doesn’t mean eating food that’s any less delicious. By making small substitutions and being willing to try something new, you can ensure that your dinner plate is contributing positively to the health of your heart and veins.

Looking for professional guidance in building a vein-healthy diet or making other health-conscious lifestyle changes? Our team at Sinai Laser Vein Center is here to help you navigate those choices safely and effectively. Schedule your appointment with the best vascular surgeon NYC has to offer and take the first step toward healthy veins.