Vascular diseaseVascular diseases are common conditions -- in fact, one in three Americans over the age of 45 will struggle with some form of vascular disease. But despite their prevalence, many people don't know much about these conditions. How much do you really know about vascular disease, its signs and symptoms, and the risks you may face for developing them?

At Sinai Laser Vein Center, we're passionate about educating our patients and helping them understand potential health risks to their vascular system. That's why your vein disease specialists want you to know about four common vascular diseases: aneurysm, atherosclerosis, deep vein thrombosis, and varicose veins.

  1. 1. Aneurysm

    An aneurysm is a bulging in a blood vessel, caused by a weak spot in the vessel wall. Aneurysms can happen anywhere in the body, but they're most common in the brain, aorta (the large artery that carries blood from your heart to the rest of your body), and other arteries located throughout your vascular system.

    Aneurysms can be asymptomatic, meaning that many people who have one don't even know it. However, an aneurism can also cause severe or even fatal health complications. If an aneurysm bursts, it can lead to life-threatening internal bleeding. Aneurysms can also place pressure on surrounding tissues, which can cause pain and other symptoms.

  2. 2. Atherosclerosis

    Atherosclerosis is a condition in which the walls of your arteries become hard and narrow due to the buildup of plaque. Plaque is made up of cholesterol, fat, calcium, and other substances found in the blood. Over time, plaque buildup can restrict or block blood flow through your arteries.

    Atherosclerosis is a slow-progressing disease that often has no symptoms in its early stages. As the condition progresses, however, it can lead to angina (chest pain), which can be a precursor to heart attack, stroke, and other serious health complications. This is why it's important to establish a relationship with a vascular specialist and monitor your cholesterol levels, avoiding the level of plaque buildup that can ultimately cause atherosclerosis to occur.

  3. 3. Deep Vein Thrombosis

    Deep vein thrombosis (also known as DVT) is a condition in which a blood clot forms in one of the deep veins in your body, usually in the leg. While DVT can occur without any warning signs, some people may notice symptoms like pain, swelling, redness, or warmth in the affected limb. If the clot breaks free and travels to your lungs, it can cause a pulmonary embolism -- a potentially life-threatening condition.

    DVT is most often caused by extended periods of immobility, such as sitting on a long flight or car ride. People who have had recent surgery or are dealing with certain medical conditions (such as cancer or heart failure) are also at risk for DVT.

  4. 4. Varicose Veins

    Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins that often bulge out of the skin. They're most common in the legs, but they can occur anywhere in the body. Varicose veins are usually painless, but they can cause aching, swelling, and other symptoms. There are a variety of factors that can increase your risk for developing varicose veins, including age, pregnancy, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle. Hereditary factors can also play a role.

    For many people, varicose veins are simply a cosmetic concern. In some cases, they can also lead to more serious health problems like blood clots or ulcers. For some people, they can be a sign of a serious underlying condition called venous insufficiency. Venous insufficiency is a condition in which the valves in the veins no longer work properly, causing blood to pool in the veins and leading to the development of varicose veins.

    Many of the vascular conditions listed above can be prevented by making guided lifestyle changes and monitoring your health with the help of a vascular specialist. It's also important to know that all of these conditions can be treated, and the earlier symptoms are detected, the better your outcome will be.

    If you have concerns about your risks for any of these vascular diseases, or you think you may be experiencing symptoms of vascular disease, don't wait to contact the top vascular center in New York. Utilizing the most advanced technology in the field, the experienced, passionate team at Sinai Laser Vein Center can help you understand your risk factors, monitor your health, and provide you with the best possible treatment plan for your individual needs. Call us today to schedule your first consultation.

    Ready to find relief from painful symptoms and protect your health? Schedule your appointment with the best vascular surgeon NYC has to offer today.